Chapter 6

The IDE (Integrated Development Environment) provides a comfortable user interface to the compiler. It contains an editor with syntax highlighting, a debugger, symbol browser etc. The IDE is a text-mode application which has the same look and feel on all supported operating systems. It is modelled after the IDE of Turbo Pascal, so many people should feel comfortable using it.

Currently, the IDE is available for dos, Windows and linux.

 6.1 First steps with the IDE
  6.1.1 Starting the IDE
  6.1.2 IDE Command line options
  6.1.3 The IDE screen
 6.2 Navigating in the IDE
  6.2.1 Using the keyboard
  6.2.2 Using the mouse
  6.2.3 Navigating in dialogs
 6.3 Windows
  6.3.1 Window basics
  6.3.2 Sizing and moving windows
  6.3.3 Working with multiple windows
  6.3.4 Dialog windows
 6.4 The Menu
  6.4.1 Accessing the menu
  6.4.2 The File menu
  6.4.3 The Edit menu
  6.4.4 The Search menu
  6.4.5 The Run menu
  6.4.6 The Compile menu
  6.4.7 The Debug menu
  6.4.8 The Tools menu
  6.4.9 The Options menu
  6.4.10 The Window menu
  6.4.11 The Help menu
 6.5 Editing text
  6.5.1 Insert modes
  6.5.2 Blocks
  6.5.3 Setting bookmarks
  6.5.4 Jumping to a source line
  6.5.5 Syntax highlighting
  6.5.6 Code Completion
  6.5.7 Code Templates
 6.6 Searching and replacing
 6.7 The symbol browser
 6.8 Running programs
 6.9 Debugging programs
  6.9.1 Using breakpoints
  6.9.2 Using watches
  6.9.3 The call stack
  6.9.4 The GDB window
 6.10 Using Tools
  6.10.1 The messages window
  6.10.2 Grep
  6.10.3 The ASCII table
  6.10.4 The calculator
  6.10.5 Adding new tools
  6.10.6 Meta parameters
  6.10.7 Building a command line dialog box
 6.11 Project management and compiler options
  6.11.1 The primary le
  6.11.2 The directory dialog
  6.11.3 The target operating system
  6.11.4 Compiler options
  6.11.5 Linker options
  6.11.6 Memory sizes
  6.11.7 Debug options
  6.11.8 The switches mode
 6.12 Customizing the IDE
  6.12.1 Preferences
  6.12.2 The desktop
  6.12.3 The Editor
  6.12.4 Mouse
  6.12.5 Colors
 6.13 The help system
  6.13.1 Navigating in the help system
  6.13.2 Working with help les
  6.13.3 The about dialog
 6.14 Keyboard shortcuts