6.4.2 The File menu

The "File" menu contains all menu items that allow to load and save les, as well as to exit the IDE.

Opens a new, empty editor window.
New from template
Prompts for a template to be used, asks to ll in any parameters, and then starts a new editor window with the template.
(F3) Presents a le selection dialog, and opens the selected le in a new editor window.
(F2) Saves the contents of the current edit window with the current lename. If the current edit window does not yet have a lename, a dialog is presented to enter a lename.
Save as
Presents a dialog in which a lename can be entered. The current window's contents are then saved to this new lename, and the lename is stored for further save actions.
Change dir
Presents a dialog in which a directory can be selected. The current working directory is then changed to the selected directory.
Command shell
Executes a command shell. After the shell exited, the IDE resumes. Which command shell is executed depends on the system.
(ALT-X) Exits the IDE. If any unsaved les are in the editor, the IDE will ask if these les should be saved.

Under the "Exit" menu appear some lenames of recently used les. These entries can be used to quickly reload these les in the editor.