The desktop preferences dialog allows to specify what elements of the desktop are saved across
sessions, i.e. they are saved when the IDE is left, and they are again restored when the IDE is
started the next time. They are saved in a le fp.dsk. The desktop preferences dialog is shown in
gure (6.33).
The following elements can be saved and restored across IDE sessions:
History lists
- Most entry boxes have a history list where previous entries are saved and can
be selected. When this option is saved, these entries are saved in the desktop le. On
by default.
Clipboard content
- When checked, the contents of the clipboard is also saved to disk. O
by default.
Watch expressions
- When checked, all watch expressions are saved in the desktop le. O
by default.
- When checked, all break points with their properties are saved in the desktop
le. O by default.
Open windows
- When checked, the list of les in open editor windows is saved in the
desktop le, and the windows will be restored the next time the IDE is run. On by
Symbol information
- When checked, the information for the symbol browser is saved in
the desktop le. O by default.
CodeComplete wordlist
- When checked, the list of code-completion words is saved. On
by default.
- When checked, the de ned code-templates are saved. On by default.
Remark: The format of the desktop le changes between editor versions, so when installing a new
version, it may be necessary to delete the fp.dsk