Command | Key shortcut | Alternative |
Mark beginning of selected text | Ctrl-K-B | |
Mark end of selected text | Ctrl-K-K | |
Remove selection | Ctrl-K-Y | |
Extend selection one char to the
left | Shift-Arrow left | |
Extend selection one char to the
right | Shift-Arrow right | |
selection to the beginning of the
line | Shift-Pos1 | |
Extend selection to the end of
the line | Shift-End | |
Extend selection to the same
column in the last row | Shift-Arrow up | |
Extend selection to the same
column in the next row | Shift-Arrow down | |
Extend selection to the end of
the line | Shift-End | |
Extend selection one word to the
left | Ctrl-Shift-Arrow left | |
Extend selection one word to the
right | Ctrl-Shift-Arrow right | |
Extend selection one page up | Shift-PageUp | |
Extend selection one page down | Shift-PageDown | |
selection to the beginning of the
le | Ctrl-Shift-Pos1 | Ctrl-Shift-PageUp |
Extend selection to the end of
the le | Ctrl-Shift-End | Ctrl-Shift-PageUp |