6.4.3 The Edit menu

The "Edit" menu contains entries for accessing the clipboard, and undoing or redoing editing actions. Most of these functions have shortcut keys associated with them.

(ALT-BKSP) Undo the last editing action. The editing actions are stored in a buer, selecting this mechanism will move backwards through this buer, i.e. multiple undo levels are possible. The selection is not preserved, though.
Redo the last action that was previously undone. Redo can redo multiple undone actions.
(Shift-DEL) Copy the current selection to the clipboard and delete the selection from the text. Any previous clipboard contents is lost after this action. After this action, the clipboard contents can be pasted elsewhere in the text.
(Ctrl-INS) Copy the current selection to the clipboard. Any previous clipboard contents is lost after this action. After this action, the clipboard contents can be pasted elsewhere in the text.
(Shift-INS) Insert the current clipboard contents in the text at the cursor position. The clipboard contents remains as it was.
(Ctrl-DEL) Clears (i.e. deletes) the current selection.
Show clipboard
Opens a window in which the current clipboard contents is shown.

When running an IDE under Windows, the "Edit" menu has two additional entries. The IDE maintains a separate clipboard which does not share its contents with the windows clipboard. To access the Windows clipboard, the following two entries are also present:

Copy to Windows
this will copy the selection to the Windows clipboard.
Paste from Windows
this will insert the content of the windows clipboard (if it contains text) in the edit window at the current cursor position.