Code completion means the editor will try to guess the text as it is being typed. It does this by checking what text is typed, and as soon as the typed text can be used to identify a keyword in a list of keywords, the keyword will be presented in a small colored box under the typed text. Pressing the Enter key will complete the word in the text.
There is no code completion yet for lling in function arguments, choosing object methods as in e.g. Delphi.
Code completion can be customized in the Code completion dialog, reachable through the menu option "Options|Preferences|Codecompletion". The list of keywords that can be completed can be maintained here. The code completion dialog is shown in gure (6.5).
The dialog shows the currently de ned keywords that will be completed in alphabetical order. The following buttons are available:
All keywords are saved and are available the next time the IDE is started. Duplicate names are not allowed. If an attempt is made to add a duplicate name to the list, an error will follow.