6.6 Searching and replacing

The IDE allows to search for text in the active editor window. To search for text, one of the following can be done:
  1. Select "Search|Find" in the menu.
  2. Press Ctrl-Q F.

After that, the dialog shown in gure (6.7) will pop up, and the following options can be entered

Figure 6.7: The search dialog.


Text to nd
The text to be searched for. If a block was active when the dialog was started, the rst line of this block is proposed.
Case sensitive
When checked, the search is case sensitive.
Whole words only
When checked, the search text must appear in the text as a complete word.
The direction in which the search must be conducted, starting from the specied origin.
Species if the search should be on the whole le, or just the selected text.
Species if the search should start from the cursor position or the start of the scope.

After the dialog has closed, the search is performed using the given options.

A search can be repeated (using the same options) in one of 2 ways:

  1. Select "Search|Find again" from the menu.
  2. Press Ctrl-L.

It is also possible to replace occurrences of a text with another text. This can be done in a similar manner to searching for a text:

  1. Select "Search|Replace" from the menu.
  2. Press Ctrl-Q A.

A dialog, similar to the search dialog will pop up, as shown in gure (6.8).

Figure 6.8: The replace dialog.


In this dialog, in addition to the things that can be lled in in the search dialog, the following things can be entered:

New text
Text by which found text will be replaced.
Prompt on replace
Before a replacement is made, the IDE will ask for conrmation.

If the dialog is closed with the 'OK' button, only the next occurrence of the the search text will be replaced. If the dialog is closed with the 'Change All' button, all occurrences of the search text will be replaced.