6.4.4 The Search menu

The "Search" menu provides access to the search and replace dialogs, as well as access to the symbol browser of the IDE.

(Ctrl-Q F) Presents the search dialog. A search text can be entered, and when the dialog is closed, the entered text is searched in the active window. If the text is found, it will be selected.
(Ctrl-Q A) Presents the search and replace dialog. After the dialog is closed, the search text will be replaced by the replace text in the active window.
Search again
(CTRL-L) Repeats the last search or search and replace action, using the same parameters.
Go to line number
(Alt-G) Prompts for a line number, and then jumps to this line number.

When the program and units are compiled with browse information, then the following menu entries are also enabled:

Find procedure
Not yet implemented.
Asks for the name of an object and opens a browse window for this object.
Asks for the name of a module and opens a browse window for this object.
Asks for the name of a global symbol and opens a browse window for this object.
Opens a window with all known symbols, so a symbol can be selected. After the symbol is selected, a browse window for that symbol is opened.