The calculator allows to do some quick calculations. It is a simple calculator, since it
does not take care of operator precedence, and bracketing of operations is not (yet)
The result of the calculations can be pasted into the text using the Ctrl-Enter keystroke. The
calculator dialog is shown in gure (6.19).
The calculator supports all basic mathematical operations such as addition, subtraction, division
and multiplication. They are summarised in table (6.1).
Table 6.1: | Advanced calculator commands |
Operation | Button | Key |
| Add two numbers | + | + |
Subtract two numbers | | |
Multiply two numbers | * | * |
Divide two numbers | / | / |
Delete the last typed digit | <- | Backspace |
Delete the display | C | C |
Change the sign | + | |
Do per cent calculation | % | % |
| Get result of operation | = | Enter |
| |
But also more sophisticated mathematical operations such as exponentiation and logarithms are
supported. The available mathematical calculations are shown in table (6.2).
Table 6.2: | Advanced calculator commands |
Operation | Button | Key |
| Calculate power | x^y | |
Calculate the inverse value | 1/x | |
Calculate the square root | sqr | |
Calculate the natural logarithm | log | |
Square the display contents | x^2 | |
| . |
Like many calculators, the calculator in the IDE also supports storing a single value in memory,
and several operations can be done on this memory value. The available operations are listed in
table (6.3)
Table 6.3: | Advanced calculator commands |
Operation | Button | Key |
| Add the displayed number to the memory | M+ | |
Subtract the displayed number from the memory | M- | |
Move the memory contents to the display | M-> | |
Move the display contents to the memory | M<- | |
Exchange display and memory contents | M<-> | |
| |