6.10.6 Meta parameters

When specifying the command line for the called tool, meta parameters can be used. Meta parameters are variables and and they are replaced by their contents before passing the command line to the tool.

Captures the output of the tool.
Captures the output of the tool and puts it in the messages window.
Captures the output of the tool and puts it in a separate editor window.
Replaced by the column of the cursor in the active editor window. If there is no active window or the active window is a dialog, then it is replaced by 0.
Replaced by the complete lename of the current conguration le.
Replaced by the full directory of the lename argument, including trailing directory separator. e.g.

would return d:\data\.

Replaced by the drive letter of the lename argument. e.g.

would return d:.

Replaced by the complete le name of the le in the active edit window. If there is no active edit window, this is an empty string.
Replaced by the executable name that would be created if the make command was used. (i.e. from the 'Primary File' setting or the active edit window).
Replaced by the extension of the lename argument. The extension includes the dot. e.g.

would return .pas.

Replaced by the line number of the cursor in the active edit window. If no edit window is present or active, this is 0.
Replaced by the name part (excluding extension and dot) of the lename argument. e.g.

would return myle.

Replaced by the name and extension part of the lename argument. e.g.

would return myle.pas.

Does nothing in the IDE, it is provided for compatibility with Turbo Pascal only.
Prompt displays a dialog bow that allows editing of all arguments that come after it. Arguments that appear before the $PROMPT keyword are not presented for editing.

If a (optional) lename argument is present, $PROMPT() will load a dialog description from the lename argument, e.g.


would parse the le cvsco.tdf, construct a dialog with it and display it. After the dialog closed, the information entered by the user is used to construct the tool command line.

See section 6.10.7, page 259 for more information on how to create a dialog description.

Before executing the command, the active editor window is saved, even if it is not modied.
Before executing the command, all unsaved editor les are saved without prompting.
Before executing the command the contents of the active editor window are saved without prompting if they are modied.
Before executing the command, a dialog is displayed asking whether any unsaved les should be saved before executing the command.
Writes the parsed tool output information to a le with name as in the argument.