6.11.5 Linker options

The linker options can be set in the menu "Options|Linker". It allows to determine how libraries and units are linked, and how the linker should be called. The linker options dialog is shown in gure (6.28).

Figure 6.28: The linker options dialog


The following options can be set:

Call linker after
If this option is set then a script is written which calls the linker. This corresponds to the -s (see page 5.1.4) on the command-line.
Preferred library type
With this option, the type of library to be linked in can be set:
Target default
This depends on the platform.
Dynamic libraries
Tries to link in units in dynamical libraries. (option -XD on the command-line)
Static libraries
Tries to link in units in statical libraries. (option -XS on the command-line)
Smart libraries
Tries to link in units in smartlinked libraries. (option -XX on the command-line)