The linker options can be set in the menu "Options|Linker". It allows to determine how
libraries and units are linked, and how the linker should be called. The linker options dialog is
shown in gure (6.28).
The following options can be set:
Call linker after
- If this option is set then a script is written which calls the linker. This
corresponds to the -s (see page 5.1.4) on the command-line.
Preferred library type
- With this option, the type of library to be linked in can be
Target default
- This depends on the platform.
Dynamic libraries
- Tries to link in units in dynamical libraries. (option -XD on the
Static libraries
- Tries to link in units in statical libraries. (option -XS on the
Smart libraries
- Tries to link in units in smartlinked libraries. (option -XX on the