1.1 Local directives

Local directives can occur more than once in a unit or program, If they have a command-line counterpart, the command-line argument is restored as the default for each compiled le. The local directives inuence the compiler's behaviour from the moment they're encountered until the moment another switch annihilates their behaviour, or the end of the current unit or program is reached.

  1.1.1 $A or $ALIGN : Align Data
  1.1.2 $ASMMODE : Assembler mode (Intel 80x86 only)
  1.1.3 $B or $BOOLEVAL : Complete boolean evaluation
  1.1.4 $C or $ASSERTIONS : Assertion support
  1.1.5 $CALLING : Specify calling convention
  1.1.6 $CHECKPOINTER : Check pointer values
  1.1.7 $CODEALIGN : Set the code alignment
  1.1.8 $COPERATOR : Allow C like operators
  1.1.9 $DEFINE : Dene a symbol
  1.1.10 $ELSE : Switch conditional compilation
  1.1.11 $ELSEC : Switch conditional compilation
  1.1.12 $ENDC : End conditional compilation
  1.1.13 $ENDIF : End conditional compilation
  1.1.14 $ERROR : Generate error message
  1.1.15 $EXTENDEDSYM: Ignored
  1.1.16 $F : Far or near functions
  1.1.17 $FATAL : Generate fatal error message
  1.1.18 $FPUTYPE : Select coprocessor type
  1.1.19 $GOTO : Support Goto and Label
  1.1.20 $H or $LONGSTRINGS : Use AnsiStrings
  1.1.21 $HINT : Generate hint message
  1.1.22 $HINTS : Emit hints
  1.1.23 $HPPEMIT: Ignored
  1.1.24 $IF : Start conditional compilation
  1.1.25 $IFC : Start conditional compilation
  1.1.26 $IFDEF Name : Start conditional compilation
  1.1.27 $IFNDEF : Start conditional compilation
  1.1.28 $IFOPT : Start conditional compilation
  1.1.29 $IMPLICITEXCEPTIONS : Do not generate nalization code
  1.1.30 $INFO : Generate info message
  1.1.31 $INLINE : Allow inline code.
  1.1.32 $INTERFACES : Specify Interface type.
  1.1.33 $I or $IOCHECKS : Input/Output checking
  1.1.34 $I or $INCLUDE : Include le
  1.1.35 $I or $INCLUDE : Include compiler info
  1.1.36 $I386_XXX : Specify assembler format (Intel 80x86 only)
  1.1.37 $J or $WRITABLECONSTS : Allow typed consts
  1.1.38 $L or $LINK : Link object le
  1.1.39 $LINKLIB : Link to a library
  1.1.40 $M or $TYPEINFO : Generate type info
  1.1.41 $MACRO : Allow use of macros.
  1.1.42 $MAXFPUREGISTERS : Maximum number of FPU registers for variables
  1.1.43 $MESSAGE : Generate info message
  1.1.44 $MMX : Intel MMX support (Intel 80x86 only)
  1.1.45 $NODEFINE : Ignored
  1.1.46 $NOTE : Generate note message
  1.1.47 $NOTES : Emit notes
  1.1.48 $OBJECTCHECK : Check Object
  1.1.49 $OUTPUT_FORMAT : Specify the output format
  1.1.50 $PACKENUM : Minimum enumeration type size
  1.1.51 $PACKRECORDS : Alignment of record elements
  1.1.52 $Q $OVERFLOWCHECKS: Overow checking
  1.1.53 $R or $RANGECHECKS : Range checking
  1.1.54 $R or $RESOURCE : Include resource
  1.1.55 $SATURATION : Saturation operations (Intel 80x86 only)
  1.1.56 $SETC : Dene and assign a value to a symbol
  1.1.57 $STATIC : Allow use of Static keyword.
  1.1.58 $STOP : Generate fatal error message
  1.1.59 $T or $TYPEDADDRESS : Typed address operator (@)
  1.1.60 $UNDEF : Undene a symbol
  1.1.61 $V or $VARSTRINGCHECKS : Var-string checking
  1.1.62 $W or $STACKFRAMES : Generate stackframes
  1.1.63 $WAIT : Wait for enter key press
  1.1.64 $WARNING : Generate warning message
  1.1.65 $WARNINGS : Emit warnings