1.1.50 $PACKENUM : Minimum enumeration type size

This directive tells the compiler the minimum number of bytes it should use when storing enumerated types. It is of the following form:

{$PACKENUM xxx}  

Where the form with $MINENUMSIZE is for Delphi compatibility. xxx can be one of 1,2 or 4, or NORMAL or DEFAULT.

As an alternative form one can use f$Z1g, f$Z2gf$Z4g. Contrary to Delphi, the default is (f$Z4g).

So the following code

  Days = (monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday,  
          saturday, sunday);

will use 1 byte to store a variable of type Days, whereas it nomally would use 4 bytes. The above code is equivalent to

  Days = (monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday,  
          saturday, sunday);