The f$I filenameg or f$INCLUDE filenameg directive tells the compiler to read further statements from the le filename. The statements read there will be inserted as if they occurred in the current le.
The compiler will append the .pp extension to the le if no extension is given. Do not put the lename between quotes, as they will be regarded as part of the le's name.
Include les can be nested, but not in nitely deep. The number of les is restricted to the number of le descriptors available to the Free Pascal compiler.
Contrary to Turbo Pascal, include les can cross blocks. I.e. a block can start in one le (with a Begin keyword) and can end in another (with a End keyword). The smallest entity in an include le must be a token, i.e. an identi er, keyword or operator.
The compiler will look for the le to include in the following places:
Directories can be added to the include le search path with the -I command-line option.