In this form:
{$INCLUDE %xxx%}
where xxx is one of the following:
If xxx is none of the above, then it is assumed to be the name of an environment variable. Its value will be fetched. As a reult, this will generate a macro with the value of these things, as if it were a string.
For example, the following program
Program InfoDemo;
Const User = {$I %USER%}; begin Write ('This program was compiled at ',{$I %TIME%}); Writeln (' on ',{$I %DATE%}); Writeln ('By ',User); Writeln ('Compiler version: ',{$I %FPCVERSION%}); Writeln ('Target CPU: ',{$I %FPCTARGET%}); end. |
Creates the following output:
This program was compiled at 17:40:18 on 1998/09/09
By michael Compiler version: 0.99.7 Target CPU: i386 |