Appendix E
Using fpcmake

 E.1 Introduction
 E.2 Functionality
 E.3 Usage
 E.4 Format of the conguration le
  E.4.1 clean
  E.4.2 compiler
  E.4.3 Default
  E.4.4 Dist
  E.4.5 Install
  E.4.6 Package
  E.4.7 Prerules
  E.4.8 Requires
  E.4.9 Rules
  E.4.10 Target
 E.5 Programs needed to use the generated makele
 E.6 Variables that aect the generated makele
  E.6.1 Directory variables
  E.6.2 Compiler command-line variables
 E.7 Variables set by fpcmake
  E.7.1 Directory variables
  E.7.2 Target variables
  E.7.3 Compiler command-line variables
  E.7.4 Program names
  E.7.5 File extensions
  E.7.6 Target les
 E.8 Rules and targets created by fpcmake
  E.8.1 Pattern rules
  E.8.2 Build rules
  E.8.3 Cleaning rules
  E.8.4 archiving rules
  E.8.5 Installation rules
  E.8.6 Informative rules