E.7.2 Target variables

The second set of variables controls the targets that are constructed by the makele. They are created by fpcmake, so you can use them in your rules, but you shouldn't assign values to them yourself.

This is the list of directories that make will descend into when compiling. Set by the Dirs key in the Target section?
The list of examples programs that must be compiled. Set by the examples key in the Target section.
the list of directories that make will descend into when compiling examples. Set by the exampledirs key in the Target section.
is a list of space-separated names that identify loaders to be compiled. This is mainly used in the compiler's RTL sources. It is set by the loaders keyword in the Targets section.
This is a list of executable names that will be compiled. the makele appends $(EXEEXT) to these names. It is set by the programs keyword in the Target section.
This is a list of unit names that will be compiled. The makele appends $(PPUEXT) to each of these names to form the unit le name. The sourcename is formed by adding $(PASEXT). It is set by the units keyword in the Target section.
is the name of the archive that will be created by the makele. It is set by the zipname keyword in the Zip section.
is the target that is built before the archive is made. this target is built rst. If successful, the zip archive will be made. It is set by the ziptarget keyword in the Zip section.