The following compiler directories are de ned by the make le:
- is set to the current directory if the pwd command is available. If not, it is set
to '.'.
- is a space-separated list of library paths. Each directory in the list
is prepended with -Fl and added to the compiler options. Set by the incdir keyword
in the Compiler section.
- is a space-separated list of library paths. Each directory in the list
is prepended with -Fl and added to the compiler options. Set by the libdir keyword
in the Compiler section.
- is a list of object le directories, separated by spaces. Each
directory in the list is prepended with -Fo and added to the compiler options. Set by
the objdir keyword in the Compiler section.
- This directory is added as the output directory of the
compiler, where all units and executables are written, i.e. it gets -FE prepended. It is
set by the targtdir keyword in the Compiler section.
- If set, this directory is added as the output directory
of the compiler, where all units and executables are written, i.e. it gets -FU prepended.It
is set by the targtdir keyword in the Dirs section.
- is a list of unit directories, separated by spaces. Each directory
in the list is prepended with -Fu and is added to the compiler options. Set by the
unitdir keyword in the Compiler section.
- (linux only) is set to the directory where libgcc.a is. If needgcclib is set
to True in the Libs section, then this directory is added to the compiler commandline
with -Fl.
- is a space-separated list of library paths. Each directory in the list is
prepended with -Fl and added to the compiler options. If it is not de ned on linux,
then the contents of the /etc/