This section is used to indicate dependency on external packages (i.e units) or tools. The following
keywords can be used:
- Minimal version of fpcmake that this make le.fpc needs.
- Other packages that should be compiled before this package can be compiled.
Note that this will also add all packages these packages depend on to the dependencies
of this package. By default, the Free Pascal Run-Time Library is added to this list.
- a boolean value that indicates whether this package needs the C library.
- a boolean that prevents the addition of the Free Pascal Run-Time Library to the
required packages.
- These directories will be added to the units search path of the compiler.
- List of package directories. The packages in these directories will be made as
well before making the current package.
- A list of executables of extra tools that are required. The full path to these tools will be
de ned in the make le as a variable with the same name as the tool name, only in uppercase.
For example, the following de nition:
will lead to the de nition of a variable with the name UPX which will contain the full path to
the upx executable.