Chapter 10
Debugging your Programs

Free Pascal supports debug information for the gnu debugger gdb, or its derivatives Insight on win32 or ddd on linux.

This chapter describes shortly how to use this feature. It doesn't attempt to describe completely the gnu debugger, however. For more information on the workings of the gnu debugger, see the gdb users' guide.

Free Pascal also suports gprof, the gnu proler, see section 10.4 for more information on proling.

 10.1 Compiling your program with debugger support
 10.2 Using gdb to debug your program
 10.3 Caveats when debugging with gdb
 10.4 Support for gprof, the gnu proler
 10.5 Detecting heap memory leaks
 10.6 Line numbers in run-time error backtraces
 10.7 Combining heaptrc and lineinfo