This section lists all the messages that concern the handling of symbols. This means all things that
have to do with procedure and variable names.
Error: Identi er not found "arg1"
The compiler doesn't know this symbol. Usually
happens when you misspel the name of a variable or procedure, or when you forgot to
declare a variable.
Fatal: Internal Error in SymTableStack()
An internal error occurred in the compiler;
If you encounter such an error, please contact the developers and try to provide an
exact description of the circumstances in which the error occurs.
Error: Duplicate identi er "arg1"
The identi er was already declared in the current
Hint: Identi er already de ned in arg1 at line arg2
The identi er was already
declared in a previous scope.
Error: Unknown identi er "arg1"
The identi er encountered has not been declared, or
is used outside the scope where it is de ned.
Error: Forward declaration not solved "arg1"
This can happen in two cases:
This happens when you declare a function (in the interface part, or with a
forward directive, but do not implement it.
You reference a type which isn't declared in the current type block.
Error: Error in type de nition
There is an error in your de nition of a new array
One of the range delimiters in an array declaration is erroneous. For example, Array [1..1.25]
will trigger this error.
Error: Forward type not resolved "arg1"
A symbol was forward de ned, but no declaration
was encountered.
Error: Only static variables can be used in static methods or outside methods
A static
method of an object can only access static variables.
Fatal: record or class type expected
The variable or expression isn't of the type record or
Error: Instances of classes or objects with an abstract method are not allowed
You are
trying to generate an instance of a class which has an abstract method that wasn't
Warning: Label not de ned "arg1"
A label was declared, but not de ned.
Error: Label used but not de ned "arg1"
A label was declared and used, but not
de ned.
Error: Illegal label declaration
This error should never happen; it occurs if a label is de ned
outside a procedure or function.
Error: GOTO and LABEL are not supported (use switch -Sg)
You must compile a
program which has labels and goto statements with the -Sg switch. By default, label and
goto aren't supported.
Error: Label not found
A goto label was encountered, but the label isn't declared.
Error: identi er isn't a label
The identi er speci ed after the goto isn't of type
Error: label already de ned
You are de ning a label twice. You can de ne a label only
Error: illegal type declaration of set elements
The declaration of a set contains an invalid
type de nition.
Error: Forward class de nition not resolved "arg1"
You declared a class, but you did not
implement it.
Hint: Unit "arg1" not used in arg2
The unit referenced in the uses clause is not
Hint: Parameter "arg1" not used
The identi er was declared (locally or globally) but was not
used (locally or globally).
Note: Local variable "arg1" not used
You have declared, but not used a variable in a
procedure or function implementation.
Hint: Value parameter "arg1" is assigned but never used
The identi er was declared
(locally or globally) set but not used (locally or globally).
Note: Local variable "arg1" is assigned but never used
The variable in a procedure or
function implementation is declared, set but never used.
Hint: Local arg1 "arg2" is not used
A local symbol is never used.
Note: Private eld "arg1.arg2" is never used
Note: Private eld "arg1.arg2" is assigned but never used
Note: Private method "arg1.arg2" never used
Error: Set type expected
The variable or expression is not of type set. This happens in an in
Warning: Function result does not seem to be set
You can get this warning if the compiler
thinks that a function return value is not set. This will not be displayed for assembler
procedures, or procedures that contain assembler blocks.
Warning: Type "arg1" is not aligned correctly in current record for C
Arrays with sizes
not multiples of 4 will be wrongly aligned for C structures.
Error: Unknown record eld identi er "arg1"
The eld doesn't exist in the record/object
de nition.
Warning: Local variable "arg1" does not seem to be initialized
This message is displayed
if the compiler thinks that a variable will be used (i.e. appears in the right-hand-side of an
expression) when it was not initialized rst (i.e. appeared in the left-hand side of an
Warning: Variable "arg1" does not seem to be initialized
This message is displayed if the
compiler thinks that a variable will be used (i.e. appears in the right-hand-side of an
expression) when it was not initialized rst (i.e. appeared in the left-hand side of an
Error: identi er idents no member "arg1"
This error is generated when an identi er of a
record, eld, or method is accessed while it is not de ned.
Hint: Found declaration: arg1
You get this when you use the -vh switch. In case an
overloaded procedure is not found, then all candidate overloaded procedures are listed, with
their parameter lists.
Error: Data element too large
You get this when you declare a data element whose size
exceeds the prescribed limit (2 Gb on 80386+/68020+ processors)
Error: No matching implementation for interface method "arg1" found
There was no
matching method found which could implement the interface method. Check argument types
and result type of the methods.
Warning: Symbol "arg1" is deprecated
This means that a symbol (a variable, routine, etc...)
which is declared as deprecated is used. Deprecated symbols may no longer be available in
newer versions of the unit / library. Usage of this symbol should be avoided as much as
Warning: Symbol "arg1" is not portable
This means that a symbol (a variable,
routine, etc...) which is declared as platform is used. This symbol's value, usage and
availability is platform speci c and should not be used if the source code must be
Warning: Symbol "arg1" is not implemented
This means that a symbol (a variable, routine,
etc...) which is declared as unimplemented is used. This symbol is de ned, but is not yet
implemented on this speci c platform.
Error: Can't create unique type from this type
Only simple types like ordinal, oat and
string types are supported when rede ning a type with type newtype = typeoldtype;.
Hint: Local variable "arg1" does not seem to be initialized
This message is displayed if
the compiler thinks that a variable will be used (i.e. appears in the right-hand-side of an
expression) when it was not initialized rst (i.e. appeared in the left-hand side of an
Hint: Variable "arg1" does not seem to be initialized
This message is displayed if the
compiler thinks that a variable will be used (i.e. appears in the right-hand-side of an
expression) when it was not initialized rst (i.e. appeared in the left-hand side of an