First, you must get the latest distribution les of Free Pascal. They come as zip les, which you must unzip rst, or you can download the compiler as a series of separate les. This is especially useful if you have a slow connection, but it is also nice if you want to install only some parts of the compiler distribution. The distribution zip les for DOS or OS/2 contain an installation program INSTALL.EXE. You must run this program to install the compiler.
For Windows, there is a Windows installer, setup.exe, this is a normal windows installation program, which o ers the usual options.
The screen of the DOS or OS/2 installation program looks like gure 2.1.
The program allows you to select:
In order to run Free Pascal from any directory on your system, you must extend your path variable to contain the C:\PP\BIN directory. Usually this is done in the AUTOEXEC.BAT