Included in the Free Pascal distribution are some demonstration programs, showing what the compiler can do. You can test if the compiler functions correctly by trying to compile these programs.
The compiler is called
To compile a program (e.g demo\hello.pp) simply type :
fpc hello
at the command prompt. If you don't have a con guration le, then you may need to tell the compiler where it can nd the units, for instance as follows:
fpc -Fuc:\pp\units\go32v2\rtl hello
under dos, and under linux you could type
fpc -Fu/usr/lib/fpc/NNN/units/linux/rtl hello
(replace NNN with the version number of Free Pascal that you are using). This is, of course, assuming that you installed under C:\PP or /usr/lib/fpc/NNN, respectively.
If you got no error messages, the compiler has generated an executable called hello.exe under dos, os/2 or Windows, or hello (no extension) under unix and most other operating systems.
To execute the program, simply type :
If all went well, you should see the following friendly greeting:
Hello world