8.6.6 Relational operators

The relational operators are listed in table (8.7)

Table 8.7: Relational operators

= Equal
<> Not equal
< Stricty less than
> Strictly greater than
<= Less than or equal
>= Greater than or equal
in Element of

Left and right operands must be of the same type. Only integer and real types can be mixed in relational expressions. Comparing strings is done on the basis of their ASCII code representation. When comparing pointers, the addresses to which they point are compared. This also is true for PChar type pointers. To compare the strings the Pchar point to, the StrComp function from the strings unit must be used. The in returns True if the left operand (which must have the same ordinal type as the set type, and which must be in the range 0..255) is an element of the set which is the right operand, otherwise it returns False