Arithmetic operators occur in arithmetic operations, i.e. in expressions that contain integers or reals. There are 2 kinds of operators : Binary and unary arithmetic operators. Binary operators are listed in table (8.2), unary operators are listed in table (8.3).
With the exception of Div and Mod, which accept only integer expressions as operands, all operators accept real and integer expressions as operands. For binary operators, the result type will be integer if both operands are integer type expressions. If one of the operands is a real type expression, then the result is real. As an exception : division (/) results always in real values.
For unary operators, the result type is always equal to the expression type. The division (/) and Mod operator will cause run-time errors if the second argument is zero. The sign of the result of a Mod operator is the same as the sign of the left side operand of the Mod operator. In fact, the Mod operator is equivalent to the following operation :
I mod J = I - (I div J) * J
but it executes faster than the right hand side expression.