The tags can roughly be divided in 2 groups:
- Documentation structure tags. These are needed for fpdoc to do it's work. They
determine what elements are documented. See table (4.1)
- Text structure and formartting tags. These tags indicate blocks of text, such as
paragraphs, tables, lists and remarks, but also specify formatting: apply formatting
(make-up) to the text, or to provide links to other parts of the text. These mostly occur
in text structure tags. See table (4.2)
Table 4.1: | Documentation structure tags |
Tag | Description | Page |
| descr | Element description | 109 |
element | Identi er documentation | 117 |
errors | Error section | 119 |
fpdoc-description | Global tag | 121 |
module | Unit tag | 131 |
package | Package global tab | 138 |
seealso | Cross-reference section | 144 |
short | Short description | 146 |
topic | Topic page | 153 |
| |
Table 4.2: | Text formatting tags |
Tag | Description | Page |
| b | Format bold | 103 |
caption | Specify table caption | 105 |
code | Syntax highlight code | 107 |
dd | de nition data | 111 |
dl | de nition list | 113 |
dt | De nition term | 115 |
i | format italics | 122 |
li | list element | 124 |
link | Cross-reference | 126 |
ol | numbered list | 133 |
p | paragraph | 135 |
pre | Preformatted text | 139 |
remark | remark paragraph | 142 |
table | Table | 148 |
td | Table cell | 150 |
th | Table header | 152 |
tr | Table row | 155 |
u | format underlined | 157 |
ul | bulleted list | 159 |
var | format as variable | 161 |
| |
The nodes for formatting a text resemble closely the basic HTML formatting tags with the
following exceptions:
- Each opening tag must have a corresponding closing tag.
- Tags are case sensitive.
- Tables and paragraphs are at the same level, i.e. a table cannot occur inside a
paragraph. The same is true for all 'structural' tags such as lists,
Also, if special formatting tags such as a table or lists are inserted, then the remaining text must
be inside a paragraph tag. This means that the following is wrong:
Some beginning text
- A list item
some ending text
Instead, the correct XML should be
Some beginning text
- A list item
some ending text