4.3.9 element : Identier documentation

The element contains the documentation for an identier in a unit. It should occur inside a module tag. It can contain 4 tags:

For a one-line description of the identier. Is used as a header or is used in overviews of constants, types, variables or classes.
Contains the actual description of the identier.
For functions an procedures this can be used to describe error conditions. It will be put in a separate section below the description section.
Used to refer to other nodes. will be typeset in a separate section.

The element tag should have at least the name attribute, it is used to link the element node to the actual identier in the Pascal unit. Other attributes may be added in future.


Myenum is a simple enumeration type  

See also: descr (109), short (146), errors (119), seealso (144)