Delphi is heavily bound to Windows. Because of this, it has introduces a lot of Windows-isms in
the API (e.g. le searching and opening, loading libraries).
Free Pascal was designed to be portable, so things that are very Windows speci c are missing,
although the Free Pascal team tries to minimize this. The following are the main points that
should be considered:
- By default, Free Pascal generates console applications. This means that you must explicitly
enable the GUI application type for windows:
- The Windows unit provides access to most of the core Win32 API. Some calls may have
di erent parameter lists: instead of declaring a parameter as passed by reference (var), a
pointer is used (as in C). For most cases, Free Pascal provides overloaded versions of such
- Widestrings. Widestring management is not automatic in Free Pascal, since various
platforms have di erent ways of dealing with widestring encodings and Multi-Byte
Character Sets. FPC supports Widestrings, but may not use the same encoding as on
- Threads: At this moment, Free Pascal does not o er native thread management on all
platforms; on Unix, linking to the C library is needed to provide thread management in an
FPC application. This means that a cthreads unit must be included to enable
- a much-quoted example is the SetLastOSError call. This is not supported, and will never be
- Filename Case sensitivity: Pascal is a case-insensitive language, so the uses clause
should also be case insensitive. Free Pascal ensures case insensitive lenames by also
searching for a lowercase version of the le. Kylix does not do this, so this could
create problems if 2 di erently cased versions of the same lename are in the
- RTTI is NOT stored in the same way as for Delphi. The format is mostly compatible, but
may di er. This should not be a problem if the API of the TypeInfo unit is used and no
direct access to the RTTI information is attempted.
- Sets are of di erent size than in Delphi.
- Enumerateds are of di erent size than in Delphi.
- In general, one should not make assumptions about the internal structure of complex types
such as records, objects, classes and their associated structure: For example the
VMT table layout is di erent, the alignment of elds in a record may be di erent,
- The same is true for basic types: on other processors the high and low bytes of a word or
integer may not be on the same location as on an Intel processor (the endianness is
di erent).