When you compile a program with the -Mtp switch, the compiler will attempt to mimic the Turbo
Pascal compiler in the following ways:
- Assigning a procedural variable doesn't require a @ operator. One of the di erences
between Turbo Pascal and Free Pascal is that the latter requires you to specify an
address operator when assigning a value to a procedural variable. In Turbo Pascal
compatibility mode, this is not required.
- Procedure overloading is disabled. If procedure overloading is disabled, the function
header doesn't need to repeat the function header.
- Forward de ned procedures don't need the full parameter list when they are de ned. Due to
the procedure overloading feature of Free Pascal, you must always specify the parameter list
of a function when you de ne it, even when it was declared earlier with Forward. In Turbo
Pascal compatibility mode, there is no function overloading, hence you can omit the
parameter list:
Procedure a (L : Longint); Forward;
Procedure a ; { No need to repeat the (L : Longint) }
- recursive function calls are handled di erently. Consider the following example
Function expr : Longint;
Writeln (Expr);
In Turbo Pascal compatibility mode, the function will be called recursively when the writeln
statement is processed. In Free Pascal, the function result will be printed. In order to call
the function recusively under Free Pascal, you need to implement it as follows
Function expr : Longint;
Writeln (Expr());
- Any text after the nal End. statement is ignored. Normally, this text is processed
- You cannot assign procedural variables to untyped pointers; so the following is
a: Procedure;
b: Pointer;
b := a; // Error will be generated.
- The @ operator is typed when applied on procedures.
- You cannot nest comments.