13.1 General compiler messages

This section gives the compiler messages which are not fatal, but which display useful information. The number of such messages can be controlled with the various verbosity level -v switches.
Compiler: arg1
When the -vt switch is used, this line tells you what compiler is used.
Compiler OS: arg1
When the -vd switch is used, this line tells you what the source operating system is.
Info: Target OS: arg1
When the -vd switch is used, this line tells you what the target operating system is.
Using executable path: arg1
When the -vt switch is used, this line tells you where the compiler looks for it's binaries.
Using unit path: arg1
When the -vt switch is used, this line tells you where the compiler looks for compiled units. You can set this path with the -Fu
Using include path: arg1
When the -vt switch is used, this line tells you where the compiler looks for it's include les (les used in f$I xxxg statements). You can set this path with the -I option.
Using library path: arg1
When the -vt switch is used, this line tells you where the compiler looks for the libraries. You can set this path with the -Fl option.
Using object path: arg1
When the -vt switch is used, this line tells you where the compiler looks for object les you link in (les used in f$L xxxg statements). You can set this path with the -Fo option.
Info: arg1 Lines compiled, arg2 sec
When the -vi switch is used, the compiler reports the number of lines compiled, and the time it took to compile them (real time, not program time).
Fatal: No memory left
The compiler doesn't have enough memory to compile your program. There are several remedies for this:
Info: Writing Resource String Table le: arg1
This message is shown when the compiler writes the Resource String Table le containing all the resource strings for a program.
Error: Writing Resource String Table le: arg1
This message is shown when the compiler encountered an error when writing the Resource String Table le
Info: Fatal:
Prex for Fatal Errors
Info: Error:
Prex for Errors
Info: Warning:
Prex for Warnings
Info: Note:
Prex for Notes
Info: Hint:
Prex for Hints
Error: Path "arg1" does not exist
The specied path does not exist.
Fatal: Compilation aborted