Exception = class(TObject)
private fmessage : string; fhelpcontext : longint; public constructor create(const msg : string); constructor createres(indent : longint); property helpcontext : longint read fhelpcontext write fhelpcontext; property message : string read fmessage write fmessage; end; ExceptClass = Class of Exception; { mathematical exceptions } EIntError = class(Exception); EDivByZero = class(EIntError); ERangeError = class(EIntError); EIntOverflow = class(EIntError); EMathError = class(Exception); |
The sysutils unit also installs an exception handler. If an exception is unhandled by any exception handling block, this handler is called by the Run-Time library. Basically, it prints the exception address, and it prints the message of the Exception object, and exits with a exit code of 217. If the exception object is not a descendent object of the Exception object, then the class name is printed instead of the exception message.
It is recommended to use the Exception object or a descendant class for all raise statements, since then the message eld of the exception object can be used.