10.6 External functions

The external modier can be used to declare a function that resides in an external object le. It allows to use the function in some code, and at linking time, the object le containing the implementation of the function or procedure must be linked in.

_________________________________________________________________________________________________________ External directive
-- --external directive-external--|--------------------------------------
                            -string constant -|----------------------
                                          |-name -string constant -|
                                          -index- integer constant-

It replaces, in eect, the function or procedure code block. As an example:

program CmodDemo;  
{$Linklib c}  
Const P : PChar = 'This is fun !';  
Function strlen (P : PChar) : Longint; cdecl; external;  
  WriteLn ('Length of (',p,') : ',strlen(p))  

Remark: The parameters in our declaration of the external function should match exactly the ones in the declaration in the object le.

If the external modier is followed by a string constant:

external 'lname';

Then this tells the compiler that the function resides in library 'lname'. The compiler will then automatically link this library to the program.

The name that the function has in the library can also be specied:

external 'lname' name 'Fname';

This tells the compiler that the function resides in library 'lname', but with name 'Fname'.The compiler will then automatically link this library to the program, and use the correct name for the function. Under Windows and os/2, the following form can also be used:

external 'lname' Index Ind;

This tells the compiler that the function resides in library 'lname', but with index Ind. The compiler will then automatically link this library to the program, and use the correct index for the function.

Finally, the external directive can be used to specify the external name of the function :

{$L myfunc.o}  
external name 'Fname';

This tells the compiler that the function has the name 'Fname'. The correct library or object le (in this case myfunc.o) must still be linked. so that the function 'Fname' is included in the linking stage.