8.1 Expression syntax

An expression applies relational operators to simple expressions. Simple expressions are a series of terms (what a term is, is explained below), joined by adding operators.

_________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Expressions
-- --        -              -|--------------------------------------
     expression  simple expression  |-- *-- simple expression-|
                               -< = |
                               - > -|
                               |> = |
                               | =-|
                               |< >  |
                               |in |
                               -is -

-- --simple expression-|term ------------------------------------------
                    6|-+ ----
                     |-- --|
                     -xor -

The following are valid expressions:

(DoItToday=Yes) and (DoItTomorrow=No);  
Day in Weekend

And here are some simple expressions:

A + B  
ToBe or NotToBe

Terms consist of factors, connected by multiplication operators.

_________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Terms
-- --term --|factor-------------------------------------------------
           6---* ----
            -- / --|
            - div --|
            -moandd --|

Here are some valid terms:

2 * Pi  
A Div B  
(DoItToday=Yes) and (DoItTomorrow=No);

Factors are all other constructions:

_________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Factors
-- --factor--|(- expression -) ----------------------------------------
            -variable reference-|
            -  function call -|
            -unsigned constant--|
            ---nsiogtn- fafacctotror---|
            --set constructor---|
            --value typecast---|
            --address factor--|

-- --unsigned constant--unsigned number-------------------------------
                     --character string--|
                     -constant identi  er -|