File types are represented as records. Typed les and untyped les are represented as a xed record:
filerec = packed record
handle : longint; mode : longint; recsize : longint; _private : array[1..32] of byte; userdata : array[1..16] of byte; name : array[0..255] of char; End; |
Text les are described using the following record:
TextBuf = array[0..255] of char;
textrec = packed record handle : longint; mode : longint; bufsize : longint; _private : longint; bufpos : longint; bufend : longint; bufptr : ^textbuf; openfunc : pointer; inoutfunc : pointer; flushfunc : pointer; closefunc : pointer; userdata : array[1..16] of byte; name : array[0..255] of char; buffer : textbuf; End; |