The idea is that the preprocessor reads a pascal unit that has some symbolic constants de ned in it, and replaces symbolic names in the resource le by the values of the constants in the unit:
As an example: consider the follwoing unit:
unit myunit;
interface Const First = 1; Second = 2: Third = 3; Implementation end. |
And the following resource le:
#include "myunit.pp"
STRINGTABLE { First, "hello World !" Second, "hello world again !" Third, "last hello world !" } |
if you invoke windres with the --preprocessor option:
windres --preprocessor fprcp -i myunit.rc -o myunit.res
Then the preprocessor will replace the symbolic names ' rst', 'second' and 'third' with their actual values.
In your program, you can then refer to the strings by their symbolic names (the constants) instead of using a numeric index.