12.4 Using a pascal library from a C program

Remark:The examples in this section assume a linux system; similar commands as the ones below exist for other operating systems, though. You can also call a Free Pascal generated library from a C program:

Listing: progex/ctest.pp


extern char* SubStr(const char*, int, int);

int main()
    char *s;
    int FromPos, ToPos;

    s = strdup("Test");
    FromPos = 2;
    ToPos = 3;
    printf("Result from SubStr: '%s'\n", SubStr(s, FromPos, ToPos));
    return 0;
To compile this example, the following command can be used:
gcc -o ctest ctest.c -lsubs

provided the code is in ctest.c.

The library can also be loaded dynamically from C, as shown in the following example:

Listing: progex/ctest2.pp


int main()
    void *lib;
    char *s;
    int FromPos, ToPos;
    char* (*SubStr)(const char*, int, int);

    lib = dlopen("./libsubs.so", RTLD_LAZY);
    SubStr = dlsym(lib, "SUBSTR");

    s = strdup("Test");
    FromPos = 2;
    ToPos = 3;
    printf("Result from SubStr: '%s'\n", (*SubStr)(s, FromPos, ToPos));
    return 0;
This can be compiled using the following command:
gcc -o ctest2 ctest2.c -ldl

The -ldl tells gcc that the program needs the libdl.so library to load dynamical libraries.