The link response le is, by default, removed from the disk. Only when you specify the -s command-line option or when linking fails, then the le is left on the disk. It is named link.res.
The assembly language le is converted to an object le by the assembler, and then linked together with the rest of the units and a program header, to form your nal program.
The program header le is a small assembly program which provides the entry point for the program. This is where the execution of your program starts, so it depends on the operating system, because operating systems pass parameters to executables in wildly di erent ways.
It's name is prt0.o, and the source le resides in or some variant of this name. It usually resided where the system unit source for your system resides. It's main function is to save the environment and command-line arguments and set up the stack. Then it calls the main program.