3.3.1 introduction

The makeskel tool can be used to generate an empty description le for a unit. The description le will contain an element node for each identier in the interface section of the Pascal unit.

It's usage is quite straightforward: the name of an input le (one or more) must be specied (as for FPDoc), an output le, and the name of a package:

makeskel --package=rtl --input=crt.pp --output=crt.xml

This will read the le crt.pp and will create a le crt.xml which contains empty nodes for all identiers found in crt.pp, all in a package named rtl.

The input option can be given more than once, as for the fpdoc command:

makeskel --input='-Sn system.pp' --input=crt.pp --output=rtl.xml

As can be seen, the input option can contain some compiler options, as is the case for FPDoc. The above command will process the les system.pp and crt.pp, and will create element tags for the identiers in both units in the le rtl.xml.

The output of makeskel is a valid, empty description le. It will contain a module tag for each unit specied, and each module will have element tags for each identier in the unit.

Each element tag will by default contain short, descr, errors and seealso tags, but this can be customised.